Technical program
Final program is available. Some minor revisions that do not affect the speaker's and the audience's schedule may be made due to cancellations, etc.
Please confirm your presntation slot on the oral and the poster sessions.
Final program Nov 22.
Poster session
Poster presentation procedures (PDF) PDF
Poster Presentation procedures (Power Point) PPT
1. Short talk
We are pleased to announce that our AFC2023 features a poster session. The session provides a short talk (2-3min each) before the presentation/discussion in front of the poster panel. Please join the poster short talk!!
2. Poster size
Poster size is A0 (841mm in width and 1189mm in height, portrait orientation). Ensure that text and visuals are legible from a reasonable distance.
3. Poster content
Your poster should present a clear and concise overview of your research or project. Please include title, author names, affiliations, and contact information. Use visuals (graphs, images, charts) enhances your presentation.
Work visit
1. Buses leave main gate of Muroran Institute of TEchnology at 8:45
2. Visit Nippon Steel Works M&E, Inc.
3. Luch
Schedule in the afternoon is now rearranging. We will announce the details on the afternoon schedule shortly. Thnak you for your understanding